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Taiwan SS Count

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 kevin3333g 99.97% 10,054.33pp 36,589,835,845 72,669 642 6
2 Oktavia 100.00% 10,415.50pp 420,891,309,314 32,032 4,863 6
3 Coreyolk 98.82% 14,018.21pp 68,252,693,467 20,508 2,450 268
4 Hatsuse 99.24% 13,343.79pp 14,830,733,913 11,738 9,848 1,440
5 Solor 98.43% 12,792.10pp 8,034,970,079 10,822 1,751 1,963
6 Yuemiao 97.83% 25,153.46pp 12,053,743,954 3,024 3,113 1,559
7 rex0988476 97.59% 13,549.75pp 4,045,643,954 1,056 1,958 1,137
8 HarryAda 97.53% 16,183.41pp 2,603,110,338 776 573 647
9 WTHBRO 97.87% 17,842.01pp 11,139,924,484 608 2,135 3,207
10 K a y o k o 99.51% 10,970.80pp 2,407,487,443 206 811 1,099
11 69maow 97.41% 21,081.65pp 19,616,621,836 140 2,234 5,013
12 AlterRay 99.27% 14,026.10pp 1,645,258,652 55 634 393
13 0Ixcy0 95.35% 14,075.81pp 1,587,055,532 19 428 553
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