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Taiwan SS Count

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#207,368) kevin3333g 100.00% 920.86pp 3,717,999,592 3,713 0 0
2 (#238,054) Hatsuse 98.94% 732.58pp 354,740,472 350 8 0
3 (#173,102) Coreyolk 97.88% 1,190.26pp 2,020,674,906 344 1,305 211
4 (#206,862) HarryAda 97.36% 923.66pp 130,140,466 3 109 31
5 (#167,006) WTHBRO 96.36% 1,243.97pp 158,314,794 0 116 49
6 (#97,445) 0Ixcy0 94.30% 2,175.05pp 87,930,038 0 34 46
7 (#111,231) rex0988476 95.65% 1,923.00pp 526,095,229 0 455 131
8 (#41,735) 69maow 96.04% 3,961.22pp 1,126,168,175 0 816 451
9 (#83,259) Yuemiao 96.30% 2,497.54pp 511,610,420 0 389 131
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