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Taiwan SS Count

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#557) Oktavia 100.00% 10,415.50pp 420,891,309,314 32,032 4,863 6
2 (#1,337) Coreyolk 99.92% 6,910.98pp 64,310,754,791 14,667 63 3
3 (#5,459) Hatsuse 99.97% 2,561.81pp 4,223,287,168 1,863 78 0
4 (#3,716) Yuemiao 99.84% 3,429.67pp 1,994,877,420 426 51 8
5 (#13,503) WTHBRO 99.73% 1,189.79pp 363,925,108 32 131 20
6 (#12,120) 69maow 99.16% 1,328.94pp 430,131,635 3 106 65
7 (#39,586) HarryAda 95.92% 156.16pp 9,856,346 0 4 9
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