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Taiwan SS Count

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,528) kevin3333g 99.95% 9,133.47pp 32,871,836,253 68,956 642 6
2 (#402) Solor 98.43% 12,792.10pp 8,034,970,079 10,822 1,751 1,963
3 (#1,171) Hatsuse 99.11% 10,049.40pp 10,252,706,273 9,525 9,762 1,440
4 (#5,528) Coreyolk 99.42% 4,978.00pp 1,732,686,847 5,126 988 11
5 (#204) Yuemiao 98.63% 14,524.20pp 4,307,934,455 2,413 2,317 465
6 (#157) HarryAda 99.48% 15,103.60pp 2,463,113,526 773 460 607
7 (#913) WTHBRO 98.73% 10,730.50pp 4,428,199,210 487 1,453 2,057
8 (#982) rex0988476 99.06% 10,568.60pp 2,772,390,460 384 1,503 999
9 (#841) K a y o k o 99.51% 10,970.80pp 2,407,487,443 206 811 1,099
10 (#754) 69maow 98.48% 11,253.40pp 4,567,714,422 112 1,067 2,365
11 (#248) AlterRay 99.27% 14,026.10pp 1,645,258,652 55 634 393
12 (#880) 0Ixcy0 98.21% 10,851.30pp 1,061,365,341 17 341 406
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