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Taiwan SS Count

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 kevin3333g 99.97% 10,054.21pp 36,362,519,984 72,237 640 6
2 Oktavia 100.00% 10,404.90pp 419,766,409,120 32,073 4,788 0
3 Coreyolk 98.88% 13,957.04pp 67,763,012,075 21,296 1,593 243
4 Hatsuse 99.24% 13,343.79pp 14,829,012,471 11,743 9,854 1,157
5 Solor 98.37% 12,761.50pp 7,938,902,240 10,728 1,754 1,660
6 Yuemiao 97.86% 25,040.16pp 12,030,509,379 3,045 3,140 1,284
7 rex0988476 97.59% 13,549.75pp 4,045,643,954 1,059 2,024 902
8 HarryAda 97.53% 16,183.41pp 2,602,410,818 783 597 562
9 WTHBRO 97.87% 17,838.61pp 11,137,516,225 606 2,149 2,864
10 K a y o k o 99.51% 10,939.70pp 2,365,892,101 204 810 954
11 69maow 97.41% 21,081.25pp 19,585,472,379 154 2,356 3,921
12 AlterRay 99.26% 14,024.90pp 1,639,086,550 54 635 346
13 0Ixcy0 95.35% 14,075.71pp 1,582,938,131 18 453 421
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