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osu!taiko Indonesia

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Naverlyn 98.05% 28,682.54pp 12,576,572,619 91 1,698 1,928
2 MejiroMcQueen 98.04% 27,819.65pp 236,530,064,810 1,130 7,151 6,980
3 Reyi 97.62% 27,476.92pp 7,140,787,713 6 1,402 959
4 Mikurio 96.27% 23,897.00pp 9,824,782,744 480 2,354 2,235
5 ThatNOOBguy 96.49% 22,560.28pp 51,385,976,083 16 922 3,133
6 Joltzzz 98.35% 22,356.87pp 10,476,598,651 931 4,149 2,676
7 Veltlion 97.69% 22,049.05pp 47,264,867,146 251 3,222 4,442
8 FinHazel 97.04% 20,809.50pp 3,874,809,547 13 724 1,314
9 XK2238 97.27% 18,732.11pp 7,131,057,292 397 2,361 1,586
10 Fuzzyuuka 96.97% 17,656.82pp 2,931,951,703 130 1,406 1,101
11 Antipole 97.44% 17,535.42pp 3,731,468,721 41 1,058 101
12 Akshiro 98.44% 17,424.67pp 115,968,010,176 7,688 6,312 1,923
13 Aesa 94.92% 16,597.21pp 11,600,770,485 32 370 289
14 misaki_tk 96.97% 16,578.95pp 2,002,292,397 237 1,061 350
15 NasiGaPakeNasi 96.22% 16,002.05pp 26,202,210,733 246 1,773 3,787
16 Fz2311x 98.21% 15,988.30pp 1,516,537,285 34 511 201
17 Lightning Wyvern 92.45% 15,885.41pp 5,516,531,253 664 1,818 1,048
18 raynald 96.84% 15,281.01pp 3,204,681,575 262 1,828 1,604
19 Aphelion- 96.77% 15,253.27pp 5,492,872,606 49 1,668 1,404
20 ImChro 98.67% 15,147.90pp 3,485,725,065 35 814 1,404
21 Sehat 96.30% 14,944.57pp 1,802,670,302 23 499 570
22 ibacot 99.15% 14,720.93pp 45,571,434,563 4,720 28,298 2,759
23 Kaemz 98.71% 13,580.10pp 5,206,740,481 413 1,708 1,467
24 Zest2822 96.80% 11,870.43pp 1,625,524,381 86 533 718
25 Kanon Matsubara 97.33% 10,960.34pp 12,415,022,905 779 11,279 2,929
26 Surono 98.70% 10,790.66pp 2,964,321,902 993 1,754 647
27 Roger 99.07% 9,577.46pp 4,892,653,272 7,713 1,469 440
28 Ayane Sora 99.70% 9,116.35pp 8,676,004,867 18,277 2,634 125
29 Rossi 99.70% 8,670.59pp 62,875,961,936 25,391 1,089 512
30 Blackburne 96.63% 8,470.73pp 986,567,920 22 502 618
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