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osu!taiko Indonesia

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#217) Reyi 97.70% 15,548.30pp 1,123,696,652 2 1,081 58
2 (#582) Antipole 98.18% 13,121.00pp 3,303,747,340 23 995 29
3 (#8,243) MejiroMcQueen 97.03% 7,643.90pp 967,360,809 0 806 196
4 (#16,127) Fuzzyuuka 95.74% 6,021.33pp 541,832,336 0 366 235
5 (#18,299) Naverlyn 97.96% 5,717.84pp 275,243,071 2 255 28
6 (#19,229) Aphelion- 95.64% 5,611.93pp 1,743,150,134 0 1,400 430
7 (#27,481) Kanon Matsubara 96.39% 4,824.17pp 9,134,194,721 99 9,316 301
8 (#28,890) FinHazel 96.01% 4,719.19pp 574,724,626 0 319 318
9 (#33,983) Akshiro 97.38% 4,383.44pp 1,126,055,172 0 1,102 84
10 (#42,241) Joltzzz 97.38% 3,932.17pp 774,463,284 0 702 133
11 (#54,870) ibacot 98.79% 3,378.31pp 21,708,419,230 125 23,221 217
12 (#58,427) Mikurio 94.63% 3,243.14pp 590,683,611 36 308 246
13 (#68,088) ThatNOOBguy 96.11% 2,921.64pp 317,678,252 0 111 161
14 (#125,659) Sehat 94.96% 1,709.31pp 127,383,599 0 85 58
15 (#131,322) Veltlion 96.64% 1,635.37pp 433,351,103 6 418 42
16 (#149,375) raynald 95.37% 1,422.09pp 170,249,939 0 130 48
17 (#160,131) XK2238 95.67% 1,312.00pp 159,613,212 5 79 53
18 (#187,502) Zest2822 95.56% 1,064.13pp 96,498,331 0 62 41
19 (#219,927) misaki_tk 95.18% 837.94pp 73,956,909 7 49 14
20 (#258,052) NasiGaPakeNasi 94.13% 627.72pp 113,161,180 0 41 42
21 (#259,405) Lightning Wyvern 86.85% 622.79pp 15,550,503 0 6 5
22 (#301,471) Blackburne 95.33% 444.03pp 49,694,478 0 33 20
23 (#319,141) Aesa 92.12% 381.35pp 54,795,788 0 6 1
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