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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,248) ThatNOOBguy 97.43% 12,616.90pp 50,477,551,780 16 682 2,442
2 (#2,376) MejiroMcQueen 98.54% 11,379.90pp 234,205,040,746 1,073 5,926 6,215
3 (#8,741) Veltlion 98.60% 8,996.78pp 44,788,291,826 173 1,914 3,516
4 (#27,443) Naverlyn 99.32% 7,007.30pp 8,309,566,177 74 338 614
5 (#31,370) Akshiro 99.08% 6,777.03pp 112,001,822,860 7,501 4,719 1,623
6 (#36,181) NasiGaPakeNasi 99.05% 6,525.98pp 24,097,569,860 191 1,240 2,562
7 (#62,584) Reyi 97.35% 5,576.97pp 5,639,956,507 2 148 683
8 (#178,844) FinHazel 97.24% 3,637.46pp 1,416,731,694 2 33 346
9 (#180,971) Aesa 98.28% 3,614.54pp 9,352,719,632 6 25 48
10 (#184,342) XK2238 99.02% 3,581.91pp 2,598,626,264 63 178 548
11 (#201,966) Aphelion- 98.44% 3,407.45pp 3,029,708,167 39 155 461
12 (#331,128) Rossi 99.96% 2,489.22pp 15,963,073,094 8,221 310 291
13 (#334,108) Mikurio 95.56% 2,472.74pp 2,071,794,876 36 207 422
14 (#381,581) raynald 96.20% 2,231.96pp 376,736,699 46 105 206
15 (#392,953) Joltzzz 99.41% 2,179.34pp 1,284,865,728 145 304 396
16 (#396,075) Lightning Wyvern 94.57% 2,166.72pp 533,955,782 1 21 113
17 (#454,371) ibacot 99.57% 1,922.59pp 10,649,510,681 1,066 1,368 1,254
18 (#495,870) misaki_tk 98.64% 1,768.62pp 259,968,296 118 21 23
19 (#513,853) Fuzzyuuka 97.49% 1,704.47pp 607,888,106 52 197 82
20 (#584,861) Surono 98.15% 1,482.96pp 474,179,619 118 157 56
21 (#590,177) Kanon Matsubara 98.08% 1,465.62pp 1,082,685,059 189 229 484
22 (#611,154) Ayane Sora 99.99% 1,406.74pp 194,745,891 218 135 18
23 (#685,264) Sehat 95.57% 1,212.57pp 350,465,813 3 49 81
24 (#1,037,400) Antipole 95.08% 605.63pp 115,055,023 12 5 3
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