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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#99) Fz2311x 98.24% 15,965.10pp 1,508,907,922 30 510 170
2 (#101) Naverlyn 96.97% 15,954.60pp 3,949,218,560 16 1,108 937
3 (#152) ImChro 98.61% 15,080.60pp 3,452,136,380 34 816 1,104
4 (#272) XK2238 98.72% 13,838.20pp 4,363,771,373 328 2,116 773
5 (#286) Joltzzz 98.36% 13,677.50pp 6,565,690,114 702 2,783 1,858
6 (#302) Kaemz 98.71% 13,580.10pp 5,189,124,905 410 1,733 1,137
7 (#332) misaki_tk 96.45% 13,339.90pp 1,592,533,629 50 995 202
8 (#434) Aesa 99.13% 12,565.60pp 2,103,978,135 55 694 574
9 (#684) Mikurio 96.95% 11,443.50pp 3,234,569,546 211 1,384 756
10 (#691) Veltlion 98.90% 11,416.90pp 2,043,224,217 72 901 747
11 (#881) Zest2822 98.04% 10,806.30pp 1,529,026,050 85 477 521
12 (#885) Sehat 98.43% 10,794.80pp 1,087,542,397 19 320 325
13 (#1,107) Lightning Wyvern 98.75% 10,179.60pp 3,175,696,764 622 1,634 579
14 (#1,291) raynald 98.48% 9,644.84pp 2,227,069,722 186 1,517 936
15 (#1,313) Roger 99.07% 9,577.46pp 4,892,254,112 7,734 1,482 407
16 (#1,415) Surono 99.26% 9,307.70pp 2,490,142,283 876 1,597 537
17 (#1,870) FinHazel 96.48% 8,383.82pp 891,793,757 2 207 328
18 (#2,007) Fuzzyuuka 96.64% 8,147.75pp 1,144,416,558 22 597 565
19 (#2,173) NasiGaPakeNasi 95.06% 7,861.08pp 1,840,522,976 31 424 557
20 (#2,273) Ayane Sora 99.40% 7,709.61pp 8,458,355,417 18,010 2,500 88
21 (#2,922) Blackburne 96.43% 6,897.09pp 777,973,768 17 408 423
22 (#2,964) ThatNOOBguy 98.46% 6,857.06pp 564,965,519 0 124 378
23 (#2,976) MejiroMcQueen 98.57% 6,845.44pp 604,485,458 13 210 408
24 (#3,475) Reyi 97.73% 6,350.92pp 369,457,430 2 174 173
25 (#3,993) ibacot 99.37% 5,929.58pp 4,123,594,358 1,116 3,458 1,184
26 (#5,385) Aphelion- 96.73% 5,006.65pp 480,101,432 7 73 314
27 (#6,051) Kanon Matsubara 98.45% 4,670.57pp 2,181,125,493 489 1,720 1,843
28 (#8,458) Antipole 98.62% 3,737.26pp 232,018,796 18 278 163
29 (#8,579) Akshiro 99.44% 3,699.15pp 184,022,907 103 169 52
30 (#9,839) Rossi 98.86% 3,320.33pp 2,860,003,592 8,159 664 127
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