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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,122) w1sp 97.19% 11,771.80pp 730,468,792 0 716 52
2 (#11,374) Elysion 95.85% 6,876.16pp 403,808,879 0 189 182
3 (#32,403) GfMRT 95.82% 4,481.06pp 409,394,491 0 343 96
4 (#41,190) Dizick 96.06% 3,988.16pp 361,394,793 0 204 165
5 (#47,055) Fangzy 95.92% 3,705.12pp 686,892,403 0 557 186
6 (#90,120) Doomsday 94.45% 2,334.00pp 499,505,877 0 229 266
7 (#93,053) bango 94.09% 2,267.23pp 261,619,730 1 36 93
8 (#158,083) wuhua 96.49% 1,332.53pp 399,467,134 0 324 105
9 (#185,007) Wilchq 96.91% 1,086.38pp 233,601,935 33 191 18
10 (#209,399) FunOrange 96.50% 906.15pp 177,177,610 3 109 50
11 (#212,968) Texats 94.54% 880.22pp 98,590,828 0 49 38
12 (#305,789) Anze 93.98% 429.65pp 38,851,081 5 25 6
13 (#426,908) oomf 92.08% 133.74pp 41,005,540 0 2 6
14 (#443,058) Malolat 91.04% 113.21pp 14,076,773 0 10 2
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