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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#74) [MG]Arnold24x24 98.85% 18,321.40pp 81,004,761,693 862 2,368 1,483
2 (#86) FGSky 96.12% 17,942.40pp 24,397,002,561 52 690 1,321
3 (#108) Nongsa 98.98% 17,439.80pp 65,171,886,362 140 1,432 1,245
4 (#135) wuhua 99.14% 16,998.60pp 120,623,638,084 424 2,829 3,025
5 (#136) etn 99.24% 16,996.00pp 60,649,247,749 1,068 1,890 1,159
6 (#176) BlancPur 98.17% 16,460.90pp 39,980,464,189 96 1,056 815
7 (#208) SadnessWillSear 99.59% 16,148.00pp 149,244,389,640 224 2,791 2,958
8 (#211) Doomsday fanboy 98.36% 16,098.60pp 53,126,010,201 75 1,495 961
9 (#261) im a fancy lad 98.29% 15,675.30pp 73,026,110,219 375 1,545 1,519
10 (#297) azr8 99.19% 15,462.90pp 28,940,150,758 39 654 2,087
11 (#352) fieryrage 98.42% 15,050.90pp 81,832,442,684 181 1,920 1,834
12 (#384) oomf 97.12% 14,841.30pp 15,973,959,357 3 93 696
13 (#499) Avenito 98.70% 14,328.50pp 30,557,787,207 52 664 1,366
14 (#526) bango 97.97% 14,226.90pp 16,829,817,930 10 346 1,276
15 (#651) Anze 97.67% 13,822.20pp 57,058,785,532 339 2,157 1,842
16 (#749) Ayla 98.77% 13,534.30pp 23,965,310,071 30 560 1,628
17 (#922) -NeBu- 99.14% 13,162.90pp 67,004,485,498 580 2,231 1,463
18 (#926) Aknama 97.73% 13,156.40pp 15,126,486,264 56 581 1,591
19 (#948) Malolat 99.48% 13,116.90pp 60,919,932,134 98 1,034 1,543
20 (#1,227) Fangzy 99.28% 12,648.20pp 155,220,820,902 2,869 9,131 525
21 (#1,280) GfMRT 99.04% 12,560.70pp 190,833,512,462 1,103 6,740 1,441
22 (#1,341) MioMilo 99.28% 12,470.40pp 124,179,541,381 364 3,247 2,460
23 (#1,349) Zeklewa 98.11% 12,462.30pp 20,654,839,797 60 880 1,788
24 (#1,385) Dizick 98.96% 12,419.20pp 29,126,558,586 22 613 2,132
25 (#1,399) Wilchq 99.37% 12,405.60pp 394,409,421,749 21,673 9,156 1,260
26 (#1,683) moya 94.68% 12,016.60pp 13,245,032,424 228 722 1,476
27 (#1,889) Epiphany 99.27% 11,776.50pp 101,836,692,950 45 570 2,467
28 (#1,911) FunOrange 99.14% 11,758.40pp 52,690,804,210 166 1,318 1,588
29 (#2,268) - Phantasma - 98.24% 11,461.00pp 71,071,259,929 253 2,115 2,437
30 (#2,589) Elysion 97.43% 11,226.60pp 37,109,999,216 42 847 3,530
31 (#2,594) Ansol 97.94% 11,222.70pp 45,604,569,176 31 1,375 2,247
32 (#3,124) Doomsday 98.64% 10,874.40pp 306,697,486,707 1,143 9,554 5,343
33 (#4,097) gasanww 99.55% 10,364.40pp 142,238,158,216 2,998 5,734 1,172
34 (#4,569) Texats 98.88% 10,185.30pp 53,859,532,200 84 1,574 1,805
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