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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 syu 96.92% 16,516.29pp 1,227,057,569,624 94,333 12,664 2,078
2 Abstract- 99.90% 15,435.30pp 1,004,736,298,123 52,355 20,410 153
3 Predominador 98.11% 23,802.82pp 1,000,604,181,610 103,814 3,589 1,721
4 Zak 97.41% 19,176.90pp 957,166,444,811 62,152 17,607 1,322
5 xasuma 98.54% 17,653.22pp 660,119,181,172 38,922 60,105 12,661
6 Systine 97.89% 14,578.13pp 605,564,197,301 78,680 10,598 589
7 Novoids 97.68% 15,435.69pp 553,714,783,216 85,392 3,214 164
8 DPJ9fuegos 99.50% 7,465.12pp 515,755,010,530 20,392 685 77
9 Nikolai 99.33% 17,926.36pp 512,581,625,915 22,060 6,301 648
10 Green Ghost 98.25% 9,218.62pp 479,751,952,599 48,218 9,063 362
11 Tenshichan 97.40% 12,711.16pp 477,722,605,518 33,517 5,283 523
12 Oktavia 100.00% 10,416.30pp 421,505,227,879 32,069 4,868 6
13 shinitaichan 97.44% 26,130.37pp 380,642,410,835 24,684 70,592 29,207
14 JonZku 99.97% 16,434.60pp 362,487,450,337 20,721 2,402 95
15 Nene Sakura 97.37% 36,557.37pp 328,853,865,985 20,387 8,751 2,134
16 FruktoLove 96.21% 28,046.54pp 327,450,462,719 12,764 7,915 297
17 Veeti 97.57% 31,280.92pp 312,199,617,417 10,306 5,245 1,127
18 Melu 97.55% 21,391.56pp 295,187,429,535 14,837 6,539 115
19 -ExGon- 99.65% 11,251.65pp 294,942,087,116 43,259 3,674 1,242
20 Romania 97.14% 11,826.85pp 293,075,712,085 23,994 10,847 5,098
21 Osdare 96.95% 17,160.50pp 276,604,938,874 62,170 2,097 3,827
22 ERROR CODE 0x7A 97.49% 13,369.41pp 273,690,483,602 17,319 17,680 1,480
23 Chii Aruel 99.76% 5,874.00pp 268,390,983,159 6,659 9,263 143
24 Chloebe 99.66% 6,402.94pp 263,755,115,169 23,384 4,395 174
25 sularis 97.13% 27,618.39pp 262,493,595,638 14,004 5,516 1,412
26 Axiaan 98.62% 17,616.36pp 257,061,940,190 55,049 1,672 704
27 mjj741 98.50% 15,691.81pp 247,565,893,699 30,293 1,258 288
28 TheShadowOfDark 97.27% 21,960.63pp 244,724,493,935 54,951 10,410 4,722
29 optm 97.49% 10,322.87pp 237,966,808,000 29,896 2,100 663
30 CyCeph 97.53% 23,513.49pp 236,302,167,515 8,090 7,076 1,271
31 BIG H ZONDA KIT 98.50% 26,135.76pp 233,831,916,501 13,091 3,023 2,063
32 Leinou 96.98% 29,925.47pp 228,720,953,415 6,649 9,053 3,799
33 Aefkay 97.92% 16,722.22pp 223,255,175,753 48,621 2,750 2,747
34 Lexii 99.96% 23,587.80pp 217,303,485,842 3,994 1,889 166
35 Masaru 99.57% 6,398.20pp 216,768,903,802 18,823 3,980 262
36 Char0n 99.66% 14,686.31pp 215,656,976,399 27,603 183 11
37 madcin 97.60% 30,594.77pp 208,054,942,496 8,427 6,381 2,414
38 E14 92.83% 8,589.94pp 203,927,471,630 15,856 18,682 362
39 qwhj79 96.25% 35,294.85pp 202,961,283,845 1,653 3,771 661
40 Nelly 98.10% 30,515.77pp 201,257,430,912 6,328 5,230 1,253
41 Edgar_Figaro 99.92% 15,274.90pp 200,838,758,689 6,084 4,394 43
42 gaten 97.38% 17,055.83pp 199,958,443,912 16,916 1,850 453
43 IddaqJedd 99.11% 7,980.44pp 195,815,280,167 24,298 3,837 149
44 Airion 96.48% 15,744.05pp 194,008,459,254 5,402 5,764 664
45 Paku- 97.34% 19,889.63pp 188,356,742,262 12,814 4,766 878
46 e19 97.79% 10,595.43pp 187,350,020,579 1,831 421 49
47 Adeus 97.58% 20,676.94pp 186,418,137,106 1,723 8,243 2,631
48 Tohtori G-piste 99.89% 15,774.30pp 184,591,770,690 12,436 5,267 328
49 CelegaS 96.82% 23,846.41pp 178,511,662,804 10,262 2,230 1,113
50 XisK 97.91% 30,324.81pp 167,334,504,973 10,264 1,163 247
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