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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#2,606) shinitaichan 97.58% 7,321.08pp 20,185,799,982 1,872 14,764 14,023
2 (#5,816) TheShadowOfDark 98.88% 4,844.37pp 3,363,608,578 5,059 4,945 731
3 (#4,779) xasuma 99.40% 5,426.92pp 3,183,232,961 96 2,629 1,866
4 (#791) YERTI 98.80% 11,135.60pp 2,388,266,180 76 1,581 415
5 (#622) Captain 98.67% 11,725.20pp 2,224,899,301 7 541 754
6 (#1,371) sd enjoyer 97.82% 9,492.23pp 1,237,962,225 150 687 853
7 (#9,318) Novoids 99.91% 3,524.44pp 1,094,088,849 4,369 803 46
8 (#3,339) Melu 99.39% 6,544.80pp 1,073,737,313 677 1,232 47
9 (#5,911) sumyeon 98.59% 4,802.10pp 1,018,209,088 3,261 825 385
10 (#5,798) Nene Sakura 99.36% 4,850.53pp 866,817,132 885 916 234
11 (#4,786) Setomi 98.27% 5,423.49pp 667,904,307 19 327 461
12 (#6,830) Systine 98.94% 4,384.01pp 583,239,746 2,544 225 138
13 (#14,994) -ExGon- 99.66% 2,373.83pp 533,556,304 2,776 24 13
14 (#12,958) Prezident 99.85% 2,703.86pp 497,220,266 1,289 2,033 0
15 (#7,349) Shimoe Koharu 98.84% 4,179.70pp 450,436,980 8 285 373
16 (#8,417) Predominador 98.24% 3,812.35pp 432,929,291 449 264 467
17 (#4,429) wonderleif 97.86% 5,661.58pp 410,542,093 27 236 309
18 (#8,593) Veeti 98.62% 3,759.49pp 401,657,798 45 336 335
19 (#5,882) Shameimaru 98.52% 4,811.92pp 394,926,965 35 177 371
20 (#9,397) Zak 97.89% 3,504.39pp 379,126,317 68 273 332
21 (#6,905) Flyer 98.08% 4,349.88pp 334,558,274 24 106 424
22 (#5,439) gaten 98.23% 5,033.58pp 281,186,522 35 396 103
23 (#3,033) FruktoLove 97.45% 6,844.00pp 265,948,474 14 108 135
24 (#5,052) Rank Mask 98.31% 5,256.32pp 234,275,323 0 95 174
25 (#10,294) thesheepguy 98.87% 3,265.58pp 216,375,853 333 320 177
26 (#13,915) mjj741 99.43% 2,544.52pp 196,254,929 518 186 38
27 (#14,677) BIG H ZONDA KIT 98.45% 2,421.13pp 177,457,500 277 356 207
28 (#10,466) -NGNL- 98.06% 3,225.67pp 164,479,407 13 215 92
29 (#13,003) sularis 98.11% 2,696.05pp 158,739,583 123 303 165
30 (#17,098) Char0n 99.95% 2,085.29pp 148,876,420 1,073 73 0
31 (#12,040) -Story- 97.92% 2,883.33pp 145,035,923 7 218 127
32 (#13,193) Leinou 97.38% 2,664.17pp 131,897,322 8 34 284
33 (#11,420) -Isla- 96.86% 3,012.20pp 120,321,922 0 110 144
34 (#11,853) Axiaan 98.68% 2,926.43pp 114,803,596 429 182 57
35 (#56,082) e19 95.44% 478.74pp 114,641,163 4 2 4
36 (#16,997) Silky Heart 99.23% 2,096.63pp 109,916,768 81 324 197
37 (#8,965) Motion 98.29% 3,628.78pp 109,883,948 5 101 111
38 (#12,159) TheKubaX 98.84% 2,860.17pp 99,738,322 27 143 113
39 (#19,156) earth worm 97.95% 1,855.76pp 99,419,837 2 145 229
40 (#14,261) karagianniss 98.91% 2,482.79pp 82,711,309 144 140 32
41 (#23,388) optm 98.54% 1,513.00pp 81,525,254 131 306 40
42 (#16,474) watimanare 97.17% 2,160.75pp 80,122,280 19 77 149
43 (#8,846) Nelly 98.19% 3,671.62pp 77,868,375 9 127 57
44 (#24,516) Romania 98.97% 1,438.95pp 77,709,513 101 364 228
45 (#14,936) syu 97.98% 2,383.52pp 73,906,786 1 67 95
46 (#21,190) Green Ghost 98.70% 1,814.78pp 70,920,668 11 202 24
47 (#15,362) Burzaco 97.21% 2,320.47pp 64,215,736 20 104 77
48 (#24,227) Uuno 98.19% 1,458.41pp 59,068,710 32 153 82
49 (#19,145) TuuGamer 99.14% 1,856.92pp 52,302,502 30 137 125
50 (#24,407) [Amazing] 98.58% 1,444.89pp 51,574,372 25 183 59
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