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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#11,742) xasuma 99.32% 8,498.61pp 531,232,260,872 28,468 46,538 10,329
2 (#21,684) TheShadowOfDark 98.46% 7,416.25pp 122,103,373,250 35,619 1,968 2,919
3 (#11,099) sumyeon 98.93% 8,603.74pp 95,773,501,866 7,626 4,316 1,943
4 (#144,287) shinitaichan 98.69% 4,067.93pp 80,419,159,021 2,483 8,550 7,730
5 (#11,348) Captain 99.64% 8,563.15pp 64,610,661,696 586 1,603 1,101
6 (#24,202) Silky Heart 99.24% 7,229.74pp 58,747,176,865 652 2,478 4,441
7 (#2,137) Flyer 98.29% 11,596.50pp 51,564,074,104 284 1,769 2,832
8 (#262,770) E14 99.55% 2,920.94pp 45,988,044,433 4,910 11,353 262
9 (#14,935) watimanare 99.01% 8,080.04pp 44,462,421,342 409 2,750 1,758
10 (#38,407) Ambrew 99.25% 6,435.94pp 30,644,287,983 106 1,448 3,445
11 (#70,687) Osdare 98.78% 5,377.53pp 27,621,948,977 124 1,574 3,235
12 (#40,020) Shimoe Koharu 99.09% 6,368.30pp 26,697,554,495 91 1,266 2,399
13 (#86,504) Aefkay 99.01% 5,023.01pp 26,137,322,010 3,036 2,557 2,640
14 (#33,159) Prezident 98.74% 6,689.42pp 24,946,823,665 1,026 3,072 1,781
15 (#43,357) Sakhalin79 98.95% 6,226.02pp 24,140,998,453 131 1,136 985
16 (#14,343) Victoria Seras 99.14% 8,151.21pp 21,546,502,189 76 1,284 1,939
17 (#34,980) Leinou 99.12% 6,598.60pp 21,288,065,440 610 1,591 2,540
18 (#131,885) hent2222 99.54% 4,240.79pp 18,413,644,352 11,992 187 179
19 (#121,207) Nene Sakura 96.72% 4,403.66pp 17,726,964,021 447 1,722 1,346
20 (#68,917) Adeus 99.23% 5,421.41pp 16,091,209,936 76 1,127 1,479
21 (#81,078) Predominador 98.73% 5,138.61pp 14,783,778,723 1,749 1,423 1,087
22 (#13,799) Elsword 99.03% 8,219.58pp 13,250,463,951 556 798 333
23 (#110,453) Nelly 99.01% 4,578.95pp 11,761,721,049 99 1,214 990
24 (#29,218) Motion 96.28% 6,912.26pp 10,833,190,740 53 673 878
25 (#86,680) madcin 98.54% 5,019.32pp 10,690,230,456 165 911 1,850
26 (#454,806) Romania 90.63% 1,933.88pp 9,055,596,719 453 2,094 1,514
27 (#62,215) Setomi 98.84% 5,597.02pp 8,609,081,209 20 297 810
28 (#629,147) -ExGon- 99.26% 1,370.45pp 7,601,462,466 4,129 1,751 992
29 (#130,260) CelegaS 98.04% 4,265.21pp 7,232,846,848 80 688 799
30 (#466,091) Tenshichan 97.36% 1,890.02pp 6,526,797,108 3,107 857 327
31 (#96,688) Axiaan 98.85% 4,825.29pp 6,523,793,865 1,003 304 432
32 (#328,317) syu 98.22% 2,516.92pp 6,036,567,008 28 465 1,698
33 (#45,813) zove 99.20% 6,132.37pp 5,250,106,372 19 78 288
34 (#82,935) Shameimaru 98.60% 5,097.33pp 4,994,785,857 55 358 509
35 (#152,543) Paku- 97.52% 3,956.15pp 4,561,188,391 132 456 497
36 (#136,747) CyCeph 98.72% 4,169.98pp 4,130,483,015 182 614 685
37 (#87,765) BIG H ZONDA KIT 97.11% 4,997.88pp 3,775,040,315 183 326 649
38 (#174,102) sularis 98.76% 3,702.41pp 3,732,310,299 454 682 687
39 (#140,458) Rank Mask 98.36% 4,119.21pp 3,708,490,817 3 164 794
40 (#8,119) sd enjoyer 88.86% 9,139.67pp 3,628,164,879 141 301 833
41 (#295,913) Saru8na 97.77% 2,705.06pp 3,626,766,472 8 322 572
42 (#176,648) Enofix 98.69% 3,674.29pp 3,445,217,820 1,993 606 110
43 (#157,777) TuuGamer 97.60% 3,892.02pp 3,402,331,131 18 354 647
44 (#385,027) Systine 99.05% 2,229.60pp 3,386,687,756 3,859 468 177
45 (#235,162) Nikolai 98.71% 3,129.66pp 3,301,741,466 220 673 325
46 (#276,446) -NGNL- 98.63% 2,829.30pp 2,976,563,633 34 583 543
47 (#147,191) TheKubaX 98.70% 4,026.99pp 2,916,400,035 70 423 516
48 (#121,053) XisK 98.40% 4,405.06pp 2,873,230,358 261 421 160
49 (#385,457) optm 98.26% 2,227.72pp 2,403,539,443 423 680 529
50 (#273,303) Imanari 95.60% 2,849.76pp 2,210,333,708 265 52 364
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