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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3) Ivaxa 96.77% 25,694.50pp 22,639,133,227 43 712 1,526
2 (#4) Detective 97.04% 24,784.80pp 93,513,564,440 177 3,103 3,441
3 (#6) gnahus 98.99% 23,490.20pp 81,221,779,737 688 3,078 1,464
4 (#7) NyanPotato 95.42% 22,368.20pp 16,230,737,931 16 431 1,018
5 (#12) Chicony 98.46% 21,513.40pp 60,898,895,762 1 601 2,066
6 (#15) aimbotcone 97.55% 21,390.90pp 58,982,293,333 29 720 2,590
7 (#26) Lexu2S 98.34% 20,374.20pp 21,568,916,555 13 289 669
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