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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Ivaxa 96.12% 33,788.45pp 22,444,677,663 50 1,162 1,325
2 lifeline 92.64% 26,583.56pp 92,036,251,691 173 3,224 2,792
3 gnahus 96.09% 25,941.27pp 79,011,312,262 680 3,186 1,285
4 NyanPotato 92.80% 21,830.13pp 15,889,165,347 15 517 720
5 aimbotcone 95.95% 21,802.08pp 57,892,085,749 27 752 2,162
6 Chicony 98.52% 21,777.20pp 57,778,257,141 0 527 1,823
7 Lexu2S 89.98% 20,523.90pp 20,007,476,251 20 367 700
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