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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,998) Haadez 99.66% 5,993.71pp 7,873,208,308 3,145 797 379
2 (#10,742) _Twent 99.18% 2,165.92pp 377,314,163 125 40 9
3 (#21,999) NINERIK 100.00% 1,342.50pp 141,759,301 78 1 0
4 (#27,658) Tikkanen 99.42% 1,128.32pp 579,923,650 20 101 33
5 (#46,019) Reedkatt 98.75% 710.16pp 35,656,255 18 29 34
6 (#26,228) nanolini 98.92% 1,176.49pp 128,382,148 8 45 46
7 (#24,829) gamer228666 99.13% 1,224.86pp 137,527,895 8 49 10
8 (#29,815) A]] 99.00% 1,060.11pp 97,309,254 7 37 33
9 (#47,285) Fjell 97.63% 688.75pp 61,460,657 4 17 22
10 (#101,978) Red_Pixel 97.24% 255.32pp 32,105,910 4 11 12
11 (#56,446) nejzha 99.26% 564.54pp 64,572,872 4 14 2
12 (#281,211) desuqe 96.64% 58.15pp 13,237,886 2 2 2
13 (#252,196) SL1PER 83.59% 67.04pp 4,133,503 2 0 0
14 (#91,036) Kamensh1k 91.66% 301.36pp 18,240,476 1 8 0
15 (#278,687) Sawitar 92.46% 58.83pp 1,578,600 1 0 2
16 (#143,390) freed0my 96.91% 151.25pp 4,727,838 1 8 6
17 (#256,208) MrFuture 99.20% 65.66pp 3,510,740 1 3 0
18 (#338,915) Epes 92.79% 45.78pp 1,113,712 1 1 0
19 (#230,998) Mike Tyson 97.55% 75.36pp 17,388,928 0 3 2
20 (#234,859) Isak- 94.37% 73.69pp 14,805,260 0 2 5
21 (#762,494) sophills 94.44% 16.90pp 84,696 0 0 1
22 (#167,396) cedru 89.66% 119.20pp 6,481,595 0 1 5
23 (#52,628) Abyssal 96.30% 612.15pp 57,041,110 0 9 40
24 (#242,872) Welter 96.22% 70.45pp 3,862,958 0 2 1
25 (#211,343) shime 96.77% 85.20pp 5,105,482 0 3 5
26 (#147,103) Xemtin 65.32% 145.42pp 16,913,004 0 0 3
27 (#58,308) AllyrD 97.46% 543.23pp 55,826,580 0 22 28
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