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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1,703) Haadez 99.66% 5,993.06pp 7,876,707,468 3,143 800 377
2 (#11,984) NINERIK 100.00% 1,343.80pp 141,759,301 78 1 0
3 (#13,660) nanolini 98.92% 1,176.49pp 128,382,148 8 45 46
4 (#14,921) A]] 98.94% 1,065.73pp 97,657,192 7 37 33
5 (#23,151) ahzjen 99.26% 563.80pp 64,572,872 4 14 2
6 (#20,622) Fjell 97.62% 688.33pp 61,460,657 4 17 24
7 (#54,931) SL1PER 83.59% 66.93pp 4,133,503 2 0 0
8 (#58,141) de_nuke_ 96.64% 58.15pp 13,237,886 1 2 2
9 (#102,202) sophills 94.44% 16.90pp 84,696 0 0 1
10 (#43,654) cedru 89.66% 119.20pp 6,481,595 0 1 5
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