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CIS O!m ranked score

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#117,910) Brittany Miller 98.46% 1,819.79pp 22,841,956,184 442 23,026 144
2 (#38,959) ferzis 96.75% 4,104.47pp 10,851,433,663 1 11,012 265
3 (#140,746) ReMeDilleS 96.38% 1,520.32pp 9,664,248,878 19 9,686 107
4 (#5,483) L_a_v_r 95.22% 8,527.59pp 9,612,166,258 5 9,293 947
5 (#14,456) Zut 96.84% 6,279.71pp 8,539,074,602 50 8,187 667
6 (#5,223) DarkSider2442 94.49% 8,631.57pp 7,741,063,503 13 7,231 870
7 (#320) X_Devil 96.68% 14,575.30pp 6,606,178,590 13 6,273 491
8 (#9,610) keksikosu 96.71% 7,297.01pp 5,948,139,460 243 4,952 205
9 (#32,508) HandOfRevenge 96.07% 4,475.43pp 5,435,852,640 0 4,908 892
10 (#4,794) [HR] c8mm8n 97.78% 8,814.16pp 5,020,038,536 2 3,264 850
11 (#76,860) Ginel 93.64% 2,663.96pp 4,541,949,582 12 4,051 661
12 (#4,551) Lerck 97.35% 8,924.37pp 4,510,765,196 1 4,434 319
13 (#93,322) unholyghsttyper 97.48% 2,259.20pp 3,326,071,670 14 3,221 165
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