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CIS O!m ranked score

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,985) Brittany Miller 100.00% 2,734.74pp 169,484,400,121 23,947 0 0
2 (#10,001) ferzis 99.88% 1,585.46pp 2,965,921,346 3,312 595 28
3 (#8,790) L_a_v_r 99.67% 1,768.50pp 2,658,940,894 158 440 69
4 (#6,289) Ginel 99.53% 2,319.73pp 2,532,364,555 152 649 212
5 (#3,355) [HR] c8mm8n 99.61% 3,665.63pp 838,602,362 51 336 154
6 (#11,257) keksikosu 99.74% 1,424.72pp 469,582,120 34 98 25
7 (#61,580) Zut 97.07% 50.99pp 2,729,628 1 2 3
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