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CIS O!m ranked score

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#142) [HR] c8mm8n 97.55% 15,290.30pp 2,174,120,853 14 391 837
2 (#12,654) Brittany Miller 100.00% 2,740.10pp 408,551,412 2,155 0 0
3 (#14,718) Ginel 97.86% 2,400.38pp 386,621,862 62 623 696
4 (#13,957) X_Devil 96.74% 2,515.77pp 171,486,472 9 109 279
5 (#13,922) keksikosu 98.55% 2,521.73pp 133,206,241 23 143 97
6 (#18,770) ferzis 96.73% 1,883.08pp 80,486,556 38 119 135
7 (#18,574) unholyghsttyper 99.48% 1,902.85pp 79,239,315 689 50 98
8 (#26,831) L_a_v_r 97.59% 1,290.68pp 31,720,156 5 44 83
9 (#45,964) Zut 95.05% 646.87pp 3,193,007 7 2 19
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