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CIS O!m ranked score

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#52,726) Brittany Miller 98.97% 5,876.31pp 157,990,769,263 14,954 12,523 4,275
2 (#21,190) ferzis 98.65% 7,443.47pp 94,821,105,891 6,019 11,624 4,088
3 (#82,902) DarkSider2442 98.54% 5,088.27pp 14,239,877,395 314 1,282 1,619
4 (#90,496) [HR] c8mm8n 96.01% 4,934.98pp 3,176,794,053 1 7 257
5 (#398,027) L_a_v_r 96.59% 2,157.78pp 2,449,417,336 92 510 553
6 (#323,326) unholyghsttyper 99.85% 2,531.30pp 2,388,921,021 3,614 232 319
7 (#697,895) Ginel 98.82% 1,184.69pp 1,155,959,928 153 451 752
8 (#645,638) HandOfRevenge 90.92% 1,313.50pp 978,289,298 103 219 162
9 (#780,013) keksikosu 98.48% 1,006.44pp 457,255,114 8 125 29
10 (#902,475) Zut 94.75% 791.44pp 319,014,728 1 49 160
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