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CIS O!m ranked score

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Brittany Miller 99.10% 13,170.94pp 350,725,676,980 41,498 35,549 4,419
2 ferzis 97.77% 15,016.48pp 108,718,947,456 9,370 23,350 4,516
3 DarkSider2442 96.51% 13,719.84pp 21,980,940,898 327 8,513 2,489
4 L_a_v_r 96.80% 13,744.55pp 14,752,244,644 260 10,287 1,652
5 [HR] c8mm8n 97.99% 32,537.77pp 11,204,545,098 68 3,997 2,096
6 ReMeDilleS 96.38% 1,520.32pp 9,664,248,878 19 9,686 107
7 Zut 96.42% 7,699.79pp 8,860,704,917 58 8,236 851
8 Ginel 96.29% 8,568.76pp 8,616,895,927 379 5,774 2,321
9 keksikosu 97.92% 12,249.90pp 7,008,182,935 308 5,318 356
10 X_Devil 96.71% 17,091.07pp 6,777,665,062 22 6,382 770
11 HandOfRevenge 93.49% 5,788.93pp 6,414,141,938 103 5,127 1,054
12 unholyghsttyper 98.57% 6,693.35pp 5,794,232,006 4,317 3,503 582
13 Lerck 97.35% 8,924.37pp 4,510,765,196 1 4,434 319
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