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Dominican Republic Rankings

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Skill 99.37% 14,867.00pp 102,489,086,038 729 2,963 2,042
2 AshClown 95.52% 11,943.66pp 19,987,879,007 39 797 1,824
3 heidy 95.84% 11,299.69pp 51,324,915,065 281 1,544 1,584
4 Basei 94.99% 11,213.79pp 20,258,189,420 23 530 1,283
5 Holes 98.05% 10,501.84pp 3,761,924,087 497 508 522
6 WillLITE 87.95% 9,693.43pp 99,006,900,958 315 2,947 4,550
7 Marnie 99.44% 9,615.37pp 25,770,385,097 135 1,789 1,537
8 Nilson 94.91% 8,501.22pp 57,200,676,483 97 1,605 2,915
9 rau123 93.49% 7,914.56pp 5,185,657,011 35 391 757
10 XmileX 96.64% 7,414.91pp 11,344,917,838 21 553 1,715
11 Kriane 97.14% 7,127.78pp 9,320,092,608 35 888 1,665
12 Asunder 98.45% 6,929.03pp 15,869,774,199 65 811 1,699
13 Skill Fanboy 98.38% 6,818.27pp 5,686,788,161 69 420 593
14 Natzu Paradise 95.91% 6,649.24pp 5,998,876,035 20 370 1,084
15 Zernoz_ 86.06% 6,302.60pp 6,079,683,995 60 391 1,089
16 -Glow 98.38% 6,034.91pp 10,501,280,065 9 370 1,532
17 Alejandro N 98.55% 5,141.48pp 7,553,358,356 1 359 734
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