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Dominican Republic Rankings

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#83,382) XmileX 95.16% 2,489.94pp 397,754,229 0 225 155
2 (#99,607) Natzu Paradise 95.16% 2,130.07pp 286,503,619 0 93 127
3 (#175,167) Holes 97.00% 1,168.17pp 102,800,155 0 76 29
4 (#228,971) Kriane 95.68% 782.20pp 156,327,535 0 85 87
5 (#248,851) Zernoz_ 93.42% 673.26pp 99,034,490 0 32 58
6 (#258,761) rau123 91.02% 624.19pp 57,763,265 0 14 21
7 (#292,626) heidy 95.12% 477.46pp 58,747,650 0 40 22
8 (#317,719) Basei 93.79% 386.49pp 35,000,866 0 29 6
9 (#335,690) Nilson 95.87% 329.30pp 73,411,674 0 38 31
10 (#338,318) AshClown 94.08% 321.51pp 62,733,620 0 23 36
11 (#443,935) WillLITE 78.57% 24.86pp 8,447,429 0 2 2
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