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Dominican Republic Rankings

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#10,289) Holes 99.70% 1,548.04pp 291,033,800 38 96 23
2 (#12,930) Marnie 99.42% 1,245.92pp 755,826,143 14 132 64
3 (#15,266) Basei 98.91% 1,040.86pp 139,011,531 6 67 31
4 (#24,356) Kriane 98.68% 509.91pp 64,809,748 1 37 16
5 (#26,753) AshClown 98.04% 417.95pp 64,202,104 2 23 7
6 (#30,158) Nilson 96.50% 318.19pp 35,919,426 1 14 14
7 (#247,198) WillLITE 99.62% 24.94pp 664,430 1 1 0
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