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Dominican Republic Rankings

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#24,451) Holes 97.46% 1,427.80pp 10,848,050 8 43 14
2 (#31,250) Kriane 98.16% 1,083.18pp 12,115,851 8 87 26
3 (#49,039) heidy 93.72% 583.83pp 3,885,640 0 1 14
4 (#58,231) Basei 91.01% 440.14pp 1,538,480 0 7 5
5 (#103,758) WillLITE 91.14% 283.96pp 1,266,982 0 0 6
6 (#95,801) Nilson 84.31% 177.42pp 555,755 0 0 3
7 (#301,727) Zernoz_ 58.79% 10.91pp 25,010 0 0 0
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