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Dominican Republic Rankings

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#380) Skill 99.37% 14,867.00pp 102,489,086,038 729 2,963 2,042
2 (#2,620) AshClown 95.89% 11,204.20pp 19,860,943,283 37 751 1,781
3 (#4,425) heidy 99.40% 10,238.40pp 51,262,281,775 281 1,503 1,548
4 (#7,179) WillLITE 98.91% 9,359.67pp 98,996,522,117 314 2,944 4,542
5 (#7,220) Basei 95.92% 9,346.31pp 20,082,638,543 17 427 1,241
6 (#12,581) Marnie 99.46% 8,369.45pp 25,014,558,954 121 1,657 1,473
7 (#18,548) Nilson 98.48% 7,676.30pp 57,090,789,628 96 1,553 2,867
8 (#23,207) rau123 95.95% 7,290.37pp 5,127,893,746 35 377 736
9 (#28,733) Asunder 98.45% 6,929.03pp 15,869,774,199 65 811 1,699
10 (#30,622) Skill Fanboy 98.38% 6,818.27pp 5,686,788,161 69 420 593
11 (#40,020) Holes 99.51% 6,357.83pp 3,357,242,082 451 293 456
12 (#48,203) -Glow 98.38% 6,034.91pp 10,501,280,065 9 370 1,532
13 (#61,047) Zernoz_ 98.63% 5,618.43pp 5,980,624,495 60 359 1,031
14 (#80,476) Alejandro N 98.55% 5,141.48pp 7,553,358,356 1 359 734
15 (#90,934) XmileX 98.13% 4,924.97pp 10,947,163,609 21 328 1,560
16 (#100,068) Kriane 98.91% 4,752.49pp 9,086,839,474 26 679 1,536
17 (#113,208) Natzu Paradise 96.67% 4,519.17pp 5,712,372,416 20 277 957
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