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Dominican Republic Rankings

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#407) Skill 99.52% 14,548.70pp 100,841,090,972 717 2,962 1,768
2 (#2,652) AshClown 96.40% 11,041.70pp 19,313,668,489 35 854 1,175
3 (#4,202) heidy 99.52% 10,225.00pp 50,274,237,765 281 1,501 1,447
4 (#6,599) WillLITE 99.06% 9,423.92pp 98,851,842,016 308 3,021 3,891
5 (#9,652) Basei 97.41% 8,764.61pp 19,299,718,445 17 470 911
6 (#11,905) Marnie 99.44% 8,412.11pp 24,762,813,956 117 1,753 1,233
7 (#18,648) Nilson 98.42% 7,636.35pp 57,090,789,628 95 1,619 2,269
8 (#28,891) rau123 97.86% 6,905.85pp 4,953,834,194 37 399 532
9 (#30,428) Skill Fanboy 98.42% 6,819.08pp 5,455,933,523 66 431 470
10 (#31,413) Asunder 98.35% 6,765.11pp 15,757,271,410 65 857 1,366
11 (#42,564) Holes 99.58% 6,257.82pp 3,087,326,820 451 274 361
12 (#52,321) -Glow 98.53% 5,916.13pp 10,184,150,481 9 386 1,219
13 (#70,503) Zernoz_ 98.79% 5,417.84pp 5,978,129,345 59 373 808
14 (#81,789) Alejandro N 98.56% 5,173.48pp 7,403,172,220 1 425 477
15 (#98,723) XmileX 98.27% 4,859.35pp 10,904,573,555 20 358 1,178
16 (#102,059) Kriane 98.96% 4,801.54pp 9,071,930,872 24 714 1,278
17 (#128,270) Natzu Paradise 96.70% 4,397.95pp 5,573,647,262 19 324 557
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