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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 -Atour- 95.14% 12,091.01pp 42,742,803,426 22 902 1,698
2 FooTShOoT 94.66% 12,030.56pp 24,578,342,378 26 744 1,645
3 - Sushi - 95.34% 11,600.00pp 12,832,275,324 45 796 843
4 Romspeed 93.66% 11,283.24pp 64,293,707,266 31 1,426 2,172
5 MwaCestTom 98.64% 9,473.25pp 128,327,356,637 943 5,921 4,078
6 Trayyzer 95.51% 9,447.98pp 11,752,758,276 71 701 1,110
7 Iofjnarbosq 90.93% 9,345.09pp 33,364,365,097 130 683 1,854
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