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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 -Atour- 95.14% 11,996.11pp 41,367,580,034 22 893 1,647
2 FooTShOoT 93.97% 11,558.50pp 23,924,791,542 26 728 1,589
3 Romspeed 93.52% 11,057.49pp 58,574,585,812 30 1,351 1,993
4 - Sushi - 94.86% 10,959.55pp 11,936,714,940 34 764 785
5 Trayyzer 95.28% 9,281.24pp 11,152,187,890 70 694 1,063
6 Iofjnarbosq 90.98% 9,255.62pp 32,668,257,991 130 678 1,804
7 MwaCestTom 97.70% 8,433.87pp 115,108,345,540 821 5,254 3,741
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