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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#17,930) GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 15,971 88,341 2,923
2 (#28,804) Predominador 96.99% 4,726.36pp 1,754,587,790 4 1,728 167
3 (#90,680) TheShadowOfDark 95.32% 2,321.35pp 4,561,418,977 296 4,179 170
4 (#207,368) kevin3333g 100.00% 920.86pp 3,717,999,592 3,713 0 0
5 (#437,395) [-Griffin-] 76.91% 120.34pp 14,366,650 3 3 4
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