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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#165) Abstract- 99.90% 15,435.30pp 995,825,480,239 52,006 20,336 150
2 (#605) Predominador 99.96% 10,125.50pp 982,593,655,526 101,093 595 0
3 (#1,189) TheShadowOfDark 99.76% 7,378.66pp 114,658,819,989 10,266 3,021 902
4 (#5,441) chicken_10 99.31% 2,567.79pp 2,828,458,949 336 300 97
5 (#16,942) [-Griffin-] 99.67% 913.55pp 269,252,667 61 101 37
6 (#32,009) AmericanPenguin 95.95% 276.29pp 26,336,881 1 5 12
7 (#32,310) haga1115 85.97% 270.07pp 9,432,744 3 3 3
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