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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#259) haga1115 99.32% 15,703.10pp 186,331,443,746 2,870 7,188 5,475
2 (#889) chicken_10 99.57% 13,222.50pp 73,666,968,945 9,792 2,350 793
3 (#2,291) pewdekz 99.15% 11,443.80pp 99,857,684,634 2,076 8,169 5,110
4 (#4,788) AmericanPenguin 99.34% 10,109.60pp 67,593,489,177 4,484 2,002 3,077
5 (#12,762) [-Griffin-] 99.37% 8,345.79pp 70,459,312,924 16,304 3,245 3,421
6 (#21,546) TheShadowOfDark 98.46% 7,416.25pp 121,414,588,258 35,613 1,967 2,896
7 (#80,640) Predominador 98.73% 5,138.61pp 14,606,693,641 1,748 1,420 1,086
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