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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 siina 92.63% 29,700.87pp 185,200,488,291 2,798 7,626 5,452
2 Predominador 98.11% 23,802.81pp 997,133,643,963 103,450 3,699 1,385
3 TheShadowOfDark 97.25% 21,911.61pp 242,628,913,147 54,350 9,426 4,085
4 chicken_10 97.87% 17,031.93pp 76,456,017,239 10,194 2,708 729
5 Abstract- 99.90% 15,435.30pp 990,502,781,169 52,020 20,129 146
6 AmericanPenguin 97.26% 12,212.82pp 67,638,321,326 4,487 2,047 2,883
7 pewdekz 99.15% 11,443.80pp 99,857,684,634 2,018 8,192 4,782
8 kevin3333g 99.97% 10,054.21pp 36,378,368,383 72,268 640 6
9 [-Griffin-] 86.92% 10,013.50pp 70,215,659,480 16,870 3,412 2,880
10 GrilledCheeese 96.31% 5,763.14pp 105,554,794,080 46,496 58,734 2,251
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