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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 siina 92.27% 30,662.75pp 172,636,023,788 2,508 7,180 5,221
2 TheShadowOfDark 97.10% 20,609.81pp 224,201,061,301 49,366 5,388 3,074
3 Predominador 99.05% 19,403.44pp 902,972,525,972 93,597 2,220 1,318
4 pewdekz 97.43% 18,049.25pp 100,958,527,918 2,151 9,053 5,322
5 chicken_10 98.01% 17,134.78pp 68,983,854,313 9,487 2,506 718
6 Abstract- 99.90% 15,289.20pp 951,202,396,061 50,492 19,652 142
7 AmericanPenguin 91.15% 12,544.14pp 67,439,162,313 4,480 2,044 2,883
8 [-Griffin-] 86.30% 9,888.36pp 67,510,126,730 16,211 3,236 2,612
9 kevin3333g 99.96% 9,181.35pp 34,880,545,812 69,353 640 6
10 GrilledCheeese 97.32% 6,460.13pp 105,652,793,923 46,505 58,765 2,297
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