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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#1) mrekk 98.04% 31,041.00pp 112,785,229,049 64 1,527 2,033
2 (#11) FlyingTuna 97.60% 21,669.50pp 50,501,093,431 52 1,131 1,499
3 (#24) yamss 97.69% 20,576.40pp 38,577,165,695 32 672 1,943
4 (#30) WhiteCat 98.63% 20,308.10pp 36,189,496,614 71 629 1,166
5 (#46) Rafis 98.71% 19,539.00pp 108,665,520,029 244 2,706 2,462
6 (#185) badeu 97.50% 16,414.50pp 87,745,260,435 304 2,244 2,120
7 (#199) BTMC 98.94% 16,277.00pp 153,037,946,758 151 2,381 2,458
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