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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 mrekk 93.87% 32,066.16pp 109,030,875,628 64 1,603 1,716
2 badeu 96.60% 27,176.56pp 88,830,178,601 340 2,822 2,013
3 FlyingTuna 95.96% 25,008.82pp 49,903,493,488 60 1,327 1,387
4 Rafis 95.33% 22,197.70pp 105,534,697,986 270 2,946 2,341
5 yamss 97.67% 20,292.50pp 38,544,012,003 30 704 1,591
6 WhiteCat 98.61% 19,844.80pp 34,998,239,142 69 602 1,062
7 BTMC 98.92% 16,353.20pp 152,047,009,912 147 2,456 2,092
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