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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#36,882) P_F_C_PRO 98.76% 6,496.34pp 6,660,563,224 21 291 558
2 (#80,115) Luqas678 97.91% 5,149.47pp 1,709,689,631 6 99 204
3 (#592,458) Messica 89.06% 1,458.86pp 166,568,543 2 22 48
4 (#1,069,425) [LS]PlzNjoyGame 83.37% 567.78pp 83,551,093 0 0 5
5 (#1,833,699) [LS]liadayo 82.82% 86.78pp 6,809,432 0 1 0
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