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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Luqas678 97.22% 31,531.70pp 2,147,260,294 67 988 396
2 P_F_C_PRO 97.70% 18,744.34pp 6,333,221,359 481 1,235 506
3 Messica 94.87% 12,887.32pp 1,261,646,411 254 863 101
4 [LS]liadayo 90.35% 11,352.39pp 1,539,961,750 331 1,224 29
5 [LS]PlzNjoyGame 94.81% 11,253.42pp 1,212,719,647 179 862 160
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