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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Luqas678 97.49% 33,173.32pp 3,076,968,389 93 1,113 522
2 P_F_C_PRO 97.84% 19,582.93pp 7,897,991,685 563 1,308 593
3 Messica 94.68% 13,071.29pp 1,263,519,628 254 863 102
4 [LS]PlzNjoyGame 94.81% 10,753.74pp 1,214,877,254 180 864 159
5 [LS]liadayo 90.22% 10,603.54pp 1,600,524,811 363 1,255 27
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