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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 grillroasted 97.37% 39,935.59pp 22,524,217,845 79 2,593 1,828
2 Luqas678 97.67% 34,871.79pp 3,299,451,178 24 1,016 655
3 Usie 96.25% 32,087.73pp 3,934,545,811 16 1,393 1,083
4 Meiju 97.47% 30,120.50pp 19,935,023,252 130 4,404 1,650
5 robby250 97.06% 28,671.88pp 30,338,224,836 41 6,400 3,091
6 bagjettka 97.47% 26,394.28pp 8,444,117,566 220 5,938 1,084
7 TsukiyaWhiskers 97.80% 24,451.24pp 3,912,667,706 24 2,904 574
8 Kraehe 96.65% 23,717.51pp 11,461,616,285 17 1,686 947
9 decoy- 97.05% 22,995.78pp 13,979,380,925 3 548 484
10 LokSG 94.40% 21,926.21pp 2,741,309,806 9 1,591 952
11 aitor98 97.03% 20,697.20pp 1,789,809,880 2 1,873 82
12 Notpx- 95.93% 19,935.65pp 2,461,149,193 20 2,047 536
13 Tyronix 96.09% 19,278.70pp 3,504,803,782 1 3,088 620
14 Milla[Monkey] 96.97% 17,406.92pp 4,275,211,881 21 3,017 846
15 FakeException 92.92% 17,236.81pp 1,829,389,453 1 300 44
16 Akayro 92.88% 17,207.45pp 2,069,578,574 13 1,813 344
17 Arcaxio 96.73% 17,008.00pp 2,525,239,216 4 2,515 112
18 karayss 96.36% 16,835.40pp 1,186,469,199 2 983 295
19 PhobosX 94.87% 16,339.57pp 2,669,606,199 4 2,029 642
20 Jerem[Monkey] 97.82% 16,191.17pp 3,102,119,428 49 2,378 797
21 Cheung Fun 96.40% 16,177.30pp 1,236,742,396 0 124 26
22 Sadcat 96.27% 15,962.70pp 1,486,533,603 0 1,211 377
23 Jeersy 96.60% 15,895.00pp 1,152,817,848 2 1,074 123
24 Gamer97 95.62% 15,221.30pp 1,504,673,136 1 1,112 471
25 timebuka 96.40% 14,924.90pp 801,925,637 0 653 125
26 erased self 96.45% 14,743.10pp 2,394,510,895 0 2,096 440
27 Fritte 96.49% 14,647.80pp 3,291,575,955 0 3,090 360
28 -Melon 96.22% 14,592.50pp 1,817,262,139 2 1,665 325
29 masaya 96.55% 14,241.30pp 6,305,979,883 0 5,722 773
30 susher 95.73% 13,627.90pp 808,403,803 0 616 257
31 Yamakazi 98.57% 10,135.88pp 11,136,416,393 221 882 804
32 Lelloq 98.40% 8,651.18pp 7,644,481,178 25 648 1,057
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