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Савушкина 55

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#63,217) RJbyM 95.73% 3,077.40pp 397,501,366 0 178 183
2 (#76,886) Cold Fusion 95.63% 2,660.85pp 200,573,223 0 85 127
3 (#78,046) kurumilove 94.23% 2,629.87pp 494,163,276 0 192 233
4 (#134,940) vafara 94.48% 1,588.87pp 69,422,798 0 32 40
5 (#304,869) abku stupid 89.94% 431.58pp 31,992,460 0 1 20
6 (#325,837) metalvampir 93.19% 359.62pp 79,599,705 0 22 30
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