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Савушкина 55

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#84) vafara 99.88% 17,426.50pp 25,585,318,065 121 847 233
2 (#88) Cold Fusion 99.86% 17,248.10pp 52,457,473,358 873 2,688 1,223
3 (#5,067) metalvampir 99.00% 2,700.02pp 112,803,081 33 92 82
4 (#10,740) kurumilove 98.71% 1,493.11pp 396,809,098 7 88 134
5 (#20,219) abku stupid 97.83% 709.91pp 64,991,374 3 21 17
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