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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#4,644) kurumilove 96.22% 5,498.56pp 575,819,681 2 106 537
2 (#8,323) RJbyM 98.96% 3,821.16pp 188,932,530 29 167 262
3 (#11,596) Cold Fusion 97.27% 2,957.11pp 120,190,383 10 74 186
4 (#12,438) abku stupid 95.46% 2,784.46pp 94,687,356 0 22 123
5 (#26,495) metalvampir 94.01% 1,308.00pp 22,245,683 2 18 43
6 (#34,209) vafara 94.29% 970.66pp 7,660,160 0 10 22
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