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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#486) Gasha 98.88% 14,384.70pp 74,401,439,665 642 2,978 2,788
2 (#1,041) Lefy 98.62% 12,936.50pp 72,856,731,758 35 880 2,819
3 (#2,647) abku stupid 98.80% 11,185.90pp 70,035,209,621 341 3,116 2,218
4 (#4,370) RJbyM 98.72% 10,257.60pp 32,945,956,776 1,908 1,468 1,698
5 (#8,554) Cold Fusion 98.39% 9,030.83pp 28,903,329,789 156 2,883 2,984
6 (#9,081) ReeStick 99.10% 8,928.52pp 30,226,352,052 197 529 1,618
7 (#23,556) kurumilove 97.37% 7,263.02pp 22,688,309,882 66 806 2,646
8 (#40,574) metalvampir 98.24% 6,332.59pp 40,503,289,036 312 1,617 2,605
9 (#234,543) vafara 97.66% 3,121.19pp 838,154,147 1 73 157
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