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Савушкина 55

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Segmentum 96.80% 30,116.05pp 65,425,650,180 354 5,245 3,282
2 vafara 96.22% 22,558.75pp 25,547,929,910 127 943 412
3 RJbyM 97.37% 19,318.44pp 33,919,051,715 2,006 2,070 1,824
4 SergoM4444 96.09% 16,930.74pp 22,841,454,526 74 1,279 2,469
5 Gasha 98.91% 14,400.90pp 73,893,116,655 637 3,032 2,363
6 abku stupid 93.33% 13,907.92pp 60,515,004,222 306 2,807 1,582
7 ReeStick 96.36% 13,902.10pp 31,016,399,970 231 822 1,373
8 Lefy 98.74% 12,781.20pp 64,057,170,454 34 914 1,985
9 metalvampir 95.40% 9,838.28pp 38,053,420,699 324 1,923 2,283
10 SnakeTwix 88.88% 9,341.05pp 37,282,218,588 27 606 1,668
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