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Савушкина 55

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Cold Fusion 96.81% 32,438.22pp 80,940,575,242 1,040 5,943 3,530
2 vafara 96.22% 22,558.75pp 25,547,929,910 127 943 412
3 RJbyM 97.37% 19,318.44pp 33,919,051,715 2,006 2,070 1,824
4 kurumilove 96.10% 17,000.81pp 23,377,859,907 74 1,293 2,497
5 abku stupid 93.35% 14,548.31pp 67,487,957,060 345 3,256 1,714
6 Gasha 98.91% 14,400.90pp 73,895,597,267 637 3,032 2,362
7 ReeStick 96.36% 13,902.11pp 31,142,383,450 232 823 1,378
8 Lefy 98.70% 13,016.60pp 69,666,148,485 34 932 2,153
9 metalvampir 95.49% 9,906.91pp 39,333,335,033 326 1,980 2,325
10 SnakeTwix 88.56% 9,508.17pp 39,848,708,256 27 616 1,777
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