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Савушкина 55

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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Cold Fusion 97.24% 31,896.89pp 81,681,566,753 1,039 5,730 4,520
2 vafara 96.20% 23,107.22pp 26,500,555,170 122 962 452
3 RJbyM 97.29% 17,156.16pp 33,532,390,672 1,937 1,813 2,143
4 kurumilove 95.99% 16,884.56pp 24,155,101,937 75 1,192 3,550
5 abku stupid 93.71% 15,111.86pp 70,226,880,811 344 3,160 2,378
6 Gasha 98.88% 14,384.70pp 74,401,439,665 642 2,978 2,788
7 Lefy 98.62% 12,936.50pp 72,856,731,758 35 880 2,819
8 metalvampir 95.38% 10,700.23pp 40,717,937,505 347 1,749 2,760
9 ReeStick 99.10% 8,928.52pp 30,226,352,052 197 529 1,618
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