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FFAOT Server Leaderboard

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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#863) beijing beef 99.54% 8,469.79pp 8,053,150,411 263 1,068 271
2 (#3,385) shwaerkbilathon 98.76% 3,637.75pp 1,039,591,068 7 154 211
3 (#3,455) ERA medium kek 99.61% 3,588.41pp 3,149,172,727 52 633 306
4 (#3,603) Crogzyy- 99.50% 3,499.37pp 1,987,417,093 283 310 118
5 (#5,287) [ReyZ] 99.61% 2,617.10pp 1,317,346,327 312 148 84
6 (#6,133) mister_Andres 99.49% 2,363.76pp 633,625,957 61 203 66
7 (#8,003) kloofhi 99.67% 1,919.00pp 994,091,748 29 115 18
8 (#8,420) KemoSmucko 99.44% 1,834.12pp 807,547,698 12 123 46
9 (#8,775) [Crz]Envy 97.86% 1,771.35pp 328,518,018 1 46 132
10 (#10,509) Lemmie 99.55% 1,522.95pp 284,626,075 27 95 73
11 (#13,247) La La 99.86% 1,216.69pp 419,094,333 401 49 20
12 (#13,702) -Nightkore 99.26% 1,172.41pp 215,668,218 18 56 22
13 (#15,760) ream 99.14% 1,004.87pp 92,975,663 9 47 12
14 (#17,682) Korzei 99.29% 865.08pp 86,397,276 14 37 12
15 (#17,987) cotton ne 98.56% 846.69pp 92,329,442 9 39 11
16 (#20,652) Lowuki 97.46% 685.82pp 85,368,692 2 12 42
17 (#20,794) onto199 97.96% 678.30pp 48,661,068 1 26 27
18 (#22,551) ILUVPUERTORICO 97.64% 592.23pp 35,569,096 2 14 20
19 (#24,463) AstalFanBoy 100.00% 506.99pp 39,123,136 22 0 1
20 (#37,016) SunApple 92.87% 188.12pp 10,492,332 0 2 8
21 (#43,702) adihza 95.45% 118.25pp 14,026,727 0 3 5
22 (#76,394) iloveyouayanka 93.06% 31.52pp 2,061,412 0 1 2
23 (#267,606) -mint- 96.21% 19.10pp 7,120,770 0 1 1
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