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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#3,153) Korzei 98.92% 10,850.60pp 25,125,116,355 193 677 801
2 (#16,328) shwaerkbilathon 98.42% 7,903.06pp 18,959,270,946 16 511 1,725
3 (#24,993) onto199 98.06% 7,165.87pp 9,494,955,463 24 388 918
4 (#26,039) Drako79289 98.68% 7,096.44pp 5,916,805,759 14 397 782
5 (#47,941) mister_Andres 98.94% 6,045.90pp 13,543,823,031 1,581 2,911 814
6 (#54,749) Lemmie 98.85% 5,809.00pp 5,841,689,556 85 518 1,030
7 (#56,946) Alter- 98.49% 5,739.83pp 9,319,689,307 74 753 1,103
8 (#67,034) Ohhhjt2 98.55% 5,458.52pp 20,428,246,352 24 491 1,539
9 (#88,128) Shervster 98.11% 4,982.58pp 8,006,865,739 6 280 963
10 (#151,848) ICECAKE 98.94% 3,953.87pp 1,210,889,868 160 234 195
11 (#152,622) KemoSmucko 97.52% 3,943.08pp 2,909,206,142 3 94 387
12 (#161,700) Lowuki 96.49% 3,834.71pp 2,194,844,347 2 82 376
13 (#177,957) kloofhi 97.38% 3,648.25pp 8,203,442,597 0 223 547
14 (#219,328) ERA medium kek 97.42% 3,248.73pp 4,445,546,703 30 322 1,033
15 (#221,492) beijing beef 98.08% 3,230.37pp 2,063,224,125 17 354 485
16 (#227,457) La La 93.68% 3,180.16pp 1,660,562,117 21 109 391
17 (#230,771) RayCurse 97.19% 3,152.95pp 5,589,080,435 15 197 704
18 (#245,576) My Angel Selen 93.79% 3,036.55pp 1,379,474,097 1 45 228
19 (#266,821) [ReyZ] 97.01% 2,880.17pp 1,008,360,152 62 91 180
20 (#269,530) z2a 96.98% 2,863.06pp 485,962,597 4 72 194
21 (#281,867) adihza 93.21% 2,780.44pp 466,843,602 2 45 116
22 (#299,808) MilkWatcher 97.04% 2,669.38pp 545,068,574 15 86 182
23 (#369,173) Crogzyy- 98.40% 2,291.08pp 1,206,459,187 54 247 268
24 (#370,661) SunApple 93.95% 2,283.66pp 868,153,667 1 12 175
25 (#444,099) ream 87.86% 1,964.38pp 246,509,259 0 5 40
26 (#460,764) Master193 91.24% 1,897.57pp 311,755,104 6 33 107
27 (#470,864) -Nightkore 95.42% 1,859.65pp 556,618,129 12 118 82
28 (#549,887) Amnesiaioi 93.40% 1,586.79pp 264,707,171 5 72 92
29 (#561,333) EpsilonMaiagare 93.71% 1,551.21pp 529,857,922 15 116 180
30 (#645,667) ILUVPUERTORICO 88.95% 1,313.41pp 328,910,123 4 16 93
31 (#652,449) TPColor 99.44% 1,296.03pp 366,349,951 60 77 33
32 (#697,981) cotton ne 90.25% 1,184.51pp 370,718,848 11 51 97
33 (#808,929) [Crz]Envy 87.88% 951.95pp 321,413,980 6 36 116
34 (#894,779) AstalFanBoy 92.77% 803.60pp 208,577,206 27 30 25
35 (#1,213,405) iloveyouayanka 88.74% 422.18pp 41,030,111 4 15 24
36 (#1,239,265) ERA Sunny 90.51% 398.42pp 30,836,029 2 14 14
37 (#1,297,442) [LS]Dan 92.21% 351.20pp 18,273,384 3 14 14
38 (#1,007,500) -mint- 92.07% 131.39pp 13,177,706 0 11 7
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