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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Lemmie 98.27% 30,826.15pp 8,910,251,762 190 2,790 1,706
2 ICECAKE 98.52% 27,399.37pp 5,631,025,422 241 3,762 743
3 shwaerkbilathon 98.00% 27,083.39pp 24,130,060,499 104 3,866 2,740
4 ERA Veryi 94.75% 25,209.82pp 1,715,234,726 3 1,205 591
5 Lowuki 96.73% 25,057.34pp 3,874,634,271 5 1,169 978
6 La La 96.67% 18,574.21pp 5,245,997,323 434 2,284 1,507
7 Korzei 97.31% 17,256.91pp 25,624,015,594 286 1,031 987
8 AstalFanBoy 97.77% 15,843.12pp 2,991,709,555 66 2,637 255
9 -Nightkore 97.73% 15,707.99pp 2,382,427,490 58 1,607 364
10 KemoSmucko 97.40% 15,355.79pp 4,515,189,725 16 990 535
11 YumaOs 97.90% 15,245.10pp 1,144,040,754 3 317 43
12 Crogzyy- 97.85% 14,925.53pp 4,632,624,486 406 1,912 628
13 [Crz]Envy 94.67% 14,556.93pp 4,793,032,857 30 3,000 404
14 ERA Sunny 94.13% 12,790.92pp 946,006,972 5 878 66
15 RayCurse 96.86% 12,070.98pp 6,639,186,993 17 1,227 823
16 Master193 88.28% 11,884.41pp 750,646,384 7 387 203
17 ream 94.99% 11,634.92pp 849,634,681 9 265 106
18 My Angel Selen 95.07% 10,821.82pp 1,770,982,649 1 373 325
19 iloveyouayanka 95.39% 10,415.12pp 663,480,398 19 646 86
20 Shervster 97.31% 9,943.82pp 9,784,745,400 6 1,699 1,461
21 EpsilonMaiagare 95.53% 9,942.64pp 1,780,665,336 16 1,154 447
22 hel0l 96.90% 9,804.61pp 487,415,524 0 405 121
23 KimMui 97.55% 7,550.31pp 864,705,606 2 834 66
24 Femireok 97.52% 7,535.01pp 1,037,702,179 1 992 137
25 soulstruck 97.87% 7,115.76pp 905,168,234 0 881 84
26 MessiFanBoy 95.10% 6,854.88pp 1,164,343,417 2 954 312
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