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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#255) YumaOs 97.90% 15,245.10pp 1,144,040,754 3 317 43
2 (#275) ERA Veryi 97.27% 15,026.80pp 1,330,493,145 3 1,156 283
3 (#562) AstalFanBoy 97.97% 13,172.90pp 2,731,206,815 12 2,580 221
4 (#571) Lowuki 96.27% 13,142.80pp 1,235,556,597 0 1,035 249
5 (#648) Lemmie 97.59% 12,915.20pp 2,121,575,354 67 1,919 183
6 (#837) ERA Sunny 97.75% 12,392.50pp 915,170,943 3 864 52
7 (#1,002) ICECAKE 97.94% 12,048.20pp 3,340,030,701 17 3,151 193
8 (#1,265) [Crz]Envy 97.38% 11,495.50pp 4,144,217,950 23 2,917 156
9 (#2,156) -Nightkore 97.45% 10,427.60pp 1,584,321,932 24 1,395 228
10 (#2,498) shwaerkbilathon 97.30% 10,149.00pp 3,662,792,930 49 3,039 371
11 (#2,962) Master193 97.06% 9,812.88pp 438,214,066 1 354 96
12 (#2,973) hel0l 96.89% 9,807.75pp 488,178,053 0 405 122
13 (#4,569) RayCurse 96.53% 8,918.03pp 1,050,106,558 2 1,030 119
14 (#4,659) iloveyouayanka 97.54% 8,873.71pp 612,553,216 1 606 33
15 (#5,129) ream 96.44% 8,669.48pp 511,918,700 0 213 54
16 (#5,852) EpsilonMaiagare 97.35% 8,391.43pp 1,250,807,414 1 1,038 267
17 (#6,871) KemoSmucko 96.99% 8,033.47pp 774,178,645 0 751 67
18 (#7,354) La La 96.25% 7,891.13pp 2,503,152,602 4 2,014 625
19 (#7,710) My Angel Selen 96.35% 7,785.27pp 391,508,552 0 328 97
20 (#8,598) KimMui 97.55% 7,550.31pp 864,705,606 2 834 66
21 (#8,656) Femireok 97.52% 7,535.01pp 1,037,702,179 1 992 137
22 (#8,668) Crogzyy- 96.69% 7,531.32pp 1,399,104,134 60 1,262 154
23 (#10,389) soulstruck 97.87% 7,115.76pp 905,168,234 0 881 84
24 (#11,477) MessiFanBoy 95.10% 6,854.88pp 1,164,343,417 2 954 312
25 (#25,880) Shervster 96.51% 4,961.24pp 1,777,879,661 0 1,419 498
26 (#42,028) Korzei 95.56% 3,945.99pp 386,320,705 2 261 155
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