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RankReal Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 (#709) ICECAKE 99.27% 11,397.30pp 1,080,104,853 64 377 355
2 (#978) Lemmie 97.82% 10,579.00pp 662,360,777 11 258 420
3 (#1,742) ERA Veryi 96.90% 8,670.29pp 290,004,280 0 37 261
4 (#2,539) Lowuki 97.38% 7,394.01pp 358,864,635 1 40 311
5 (#3,603) La La 94.91% 6,286.23pp 663,188,271 8 112 471
6 (#4,801) shwaerkbilathon 98.89% 5,393.58pp 468,405,555 32 162 433
7 (#15,740) -Nightkore 98.08% 2,248.33pp 25,819,211 4 38 32
8 (#21,918) Crogzyy- 98.63% 1,603.76pp 39,644,072 9 93 88
9 (#22,055) Korzei 98.75% 1,595.24pp 26,181,258 77 56 19
10 (#22,710) KemoSmucko 94.87% 1,545.12pp 24,257,240 1 22 35
11 (#25,597) AstalFanBoy 97.52% 1,359.63pp 12,802,398 5 27 8
12 (#31,167) iloveyouayanka 98.09% 1,087.72pp 7,835,659 14 24 27
13 (#67,312) [Crz]Envy 84.29% 340.91pp 1,264,261 0 1 4
14 (#96,964) Master193 67.77% 173.96pp 677,214 0 0 0
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