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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Lemmie 98.10% 31,683.00pp 8,482,485,788 1,136 1,795 1,313
2 ICECAKE 98.71% 30,846.03pp 6,261,508,039 1,679 2,653 671
3 Lowuki 96.63% 27,982.85pp 3,872,771,011 149 1,107 680
4 shwaerkbilathon 97.85% 25,183.38pp 20,074,481,912 914 2,873 1,804
5 ERA Veryi 94.56% 24,324.51pp 1,586,153,256 137 1,116 377
6 AstalFanBoy 97.84% 17,322.75pp 2,935,502,567 1,456 1,323 131
7 La La 96.11% 16,924.03pp 4,470,929,767 350 2,019 807
8 YumaOs 97.34% 16,407.00pp 1,105,100,105 58 1,037 89
9 Korzei 97.13% 16,065.70pp 23,588,878,643 303 1,006 728
10 [Crz]Envy 95.51% 15,377.05pp 4,713,137,509 1,588 1,406 324
11 KemoSmucko 97.39% 15,325.12pp 3,909,781,517 67 943 335
12 -Nightkore 97.62% 15,059.93pp 2,204,649,533 246 1,333 255
13 ERA Sunny 93.53% 14,130.75pp 939,857,373 175 718 48
14 Crogzyy- 97.33% 13,229.51pp 3,460,871,636 617 1,422 356
15 RayCurse 84.41% 12,282.58pp 5,627,761,486 57 1,136 569
16 Master193 87.44% 11,805.27pp 568,986,433 4 352 116
17 My Angel Selen 94.76% 10,899.57pp 1,545,114,289 26 389 187
18 iloveyouayanka 95.38% 10,314.68pp 647,831,993 129 534 64
19 Shervster 94.76% 10,201.43pp 9,570,083,496 94 1,772 1,070
20 EpsilonMaiagare 95.50% 10,076.80pp 1,686,212,691 27 1,121 348
21 Femireok 96.62% 9,607.54pp 1,380,084,144 100 1,070 153
22 hel0l 73.97% 9,490.19pp 461,577,450 12 405 83
23 KocchiFanBoy 90.22% 8,913.81pp 440,278,816 49 332 86
24 MessiFanBoy 95.59% 8,855.78pp 1,359,155,294 295 858 271
25 KimMui 95.93% 7,839.39pp 855,706,263 91 757 45
26 soulstruck 96.31% 6,673.53pp 746,921,428 10 746 46
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