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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 Lemmie 98.31% 32,606.66pp 8,736,963,346 1,179 1,828 1,352
2 ICECAKE 98.61% 31,184.53pp 6,271,569,659 1,686 2,656 671
3 Lowuki 96.63% 27,982.85pp 3,874,634,271 149 1,109 680
4 shwaerkbilathon 97.87% 27,449.59pp 23,192,628,031 1,051 3,014 2,125
5 ERA Veryi 94.66% 25,610.01pp 1,642,779,541 139 1,150 390
6 La La 96.72% 18,683.28pp 4,920,870,305 466 2,106 868
7 AstalFanBoy 97.88% 17,378.85pp 2,989,246,698 1,505 1,323 132
8 YumaOs 97.59% 16,859.70pp 1,118,753,480 60 1,050 88
9 Korzei 97.13% 16,805.16pp 24,858,874,207 307 1,060 775
10 -Nightkore 97.54% 15,790.85pp 2,338,653,380 285 1,407 270
11 KemoSmucko 97.40% 15,535.19pp 4,184,087,595 67 959 353
12 [Crz]Envy 95.51% 15,377.05pp 4,713,137,509 1,588 1,406 324
13 ERA Sunny 93.53% 14,285.45pp 947,459,732 175 726 47
14 Crogzyy- 97.33% 13,229.73pp 3,508,737,704 664 1,424 356
15 RayCurse 84.35% 12,453.13pp 6,329,653,033 58 1,209 620
16 Master193 88.61% 11,966.61pp 619,342,095 5 368 122
17 My Angel Selen 94.70% 11,028.57pp 1,647,284,916 26 398 198
18 KocchiFanBoy 94.70% 10,892.21pp 667,863,986 88 414 106
19 iloveyouayanka 95.43% 10,359.87pp 661,837,170 131 547 65
20 Shervster 94.77% 10,221.50pp 9,787,895,007 94 1,797 1,078
21 EpsilonMaiagare 95.50% 10,076.80pp 1,770,467,813 27 1,202 356
22 hel0l 73.98% 9,784.34pp 475,424,989 12 419 84
23 Femireok 96.71% 9,735.71pp 1,382,985,092 100 1,073 153
24 MessiFanBoy 95.59% 8,855.78pp 1,359,966,705 295 858 272
25 KimMui 95.94% 7,839.84pp 865,690,073 97 761 45
26 soulstruck 96.40% 6,865.76pp 859,176,268 11 857 53
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