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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 [LS]Gavin 97.15% 28,609.92pp 4,833,288,014 115 1,712 622
2 AlterFangirl 97.67% 24,323.82pp 1,825,897,094 109 1,603 244
3 [LS]bambi fnf 93.69% 19,916.51pp 5,774,727,539 3,913 1,629 326
4 [LS]Shiori 95.96% 19,185.45pp 2,581,590,762 32 1,116 601
5 YuJJun 95.46% 18,899.38pp 2,597,640,407 113 2,481 96
6 Some1SomeWhere 95.84% 12,791.80pp 1,207,635,416 58 883 213
7 Legend_xD 93.42% 11,930.78pp 754,303,057 91 617 71
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