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Rank Player Accuracy PerformanceRanked Score SS S A
1 [LS]Gavin 97.05% 27,245.69pp 4,979,628,040 47 1,786 833
2 AlterFangirl 95.36% 21,725.54pp 2,030,313,953 2 584 105
3 [LS]bambi fnf 93.49% 18,276.41pp 7,506,053,284 2,100 5,089 386
4 YuJJun 96.43% 15,723.60pp 2,576,818,478 1 2,527 211
5 Some1SomeWhere 95.61% 12,952.94pp 1,335,648,924 16 958 297
6 [LS]Shiori 97.09% 12,330.40pp 1,314,526,712 0 942 417
7 Legend_xD 93.35% 11,175.01pp 840,497,905 11 757 97
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